종현-주은이네 이야기/John's Story
[동영상] 책 읽는 종현
2006. 9. 25. 12:55
종현이가 책을 읽기 시작했다.
"Bono goes to School"이라는 제목의 소책자로 학교의 규칙을 원숭이를 주인공으로 해서 정리해 놓은 것이다. 교실에서 뛰면 안되고, 떠들면 안되고, 돌아다니면 안된다는 내용이다.
그런데, 알고봤더니 진짜 책을 읽는 것이 아니라 기억한 내용을 외워서 읽는 척하는 것이다. 그래도 종현이가 기억력이 좋은가 보다. 그 내용을 다 기억하고 있어서 정말 책 읽듯이 하고 있으니...
Bono Goes to School
Bono the Monkey went to school,
but Bono didn't know the rules.
He ran through the classroom.
No, no Bono! Walk Slowly.
He hung from the lights.
No, no Bono! Stay in your seat.
He talked and yelled the whole time.
No, no Bono! Raise your hand to talk.
He pushed a little girl.
No, no Bono! Be friendly.
He took all the toys.
No, no Bono! Share the toys.
Bono was smart.
He thought and thought. Then....
He walked slowly.
He stayed in his seat.
He raised his hand to talk.
He was friendly.
He shared the toys.
Yes, yes Bono! You are a good monkey.
And the teacher gave him a big...
"Bono goes to School"이라는 제목의 소책자로 학교의 규칙을 원숭이를 주인공으로 해서 정리해 놓은 것이다. 교실에서 뛰면 안되고, 떠들면 안되고, 돌아다니면 안된다는 내용이다.
그런데, 알고봤더니 진짜 책을 읽는 것이 아니라 기억한 내용을 외워서 읽는 척하는 것이다. 그래도 종현이가 기억력이 좋은가 보다. 그 내용을 다 기억하고 있어서 정말 책 읽듯이 하고 있으니...
Bono Goes to School
Bono the Monkey went to school,
but Bono didn't know the rules.
He ran through the classroom.
No, no Bono! Walk Slowly.
He hung from the lights.
No, no Bono! Stay in your seat.
He talked and yelled the whole time.
No, no Bono! Raise your hand to talk.
He pushed a little girl.
No, no Bono! Be friendly.
He took all the toys.
No, no Bono! Share the toys.
Bono was smart.
He thought and thought. Then....
He walked slowly.
He stayed in his seat.
He raised his hand to talk.
He was friendly.
He shared the toys.
Yes, yes Bono! You are a good monkey.
And the teacher gave him a big...